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Scaling your business has the potential to be exciting and you want to see your company reach new heights. Your business goals have been leading to this period of growth that you’re now experiencing. This is great, but you also need to take some time to make sure that your company culture doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. It’s easy to lose your identity when your business starts to grow, and you need to put in some effort to maintain your company culture as your business scales. 

Pay Attention to Who You’re Hiring

You need to pay attention to who you’re hiring if you want to maintain a positive company culture. If you simply start hiring people without ensuring that they fit in with your vision of the company, things will start to change fast. Take the time to interview people properly and avoid hiring people just to fill vacant jobs. It might take time to find the right employees to fill certain spots, but it’s going to be better for your company culture if you do things right. 

Leadership Development

As your company grows, it is going to have a greater need for leadership. You need to make sure that you are developing new leaders that can fill positions and keep the company moving in the right direction. These leaders should be well-trained and you should make sure that they have a deep understanding of your company culture. This will allow your positive company culture to spread as your company scales. 

Create a Good Work Environment

Remember that creating a good work environment is at the core of maintaining a positive work culture. You need to make sure that your new locations or departments have the same standards that you have grown accustomed to. Let all your employees know about your company’s expectations and also ensure that they can report any problems that they might have to the HR department. If you empower your HR department to help employees, you can avoid many issues. 

Facilitate Communication between Employees and Managers

If you have problems with your company culture while scaling, you might need to step in to fix things. It might sometimes be necessary to facilitate communication between employees and managers. If you notice problems, try to find amicable solutions so you can get things back on track. Play an active role in cultivating a good work culture so your company will remain a good place to work for years to come.